2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

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  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When installing rural sheds you can choose from a variety of shed sizes and styles. You can also choose open-sided rural sheds designed for protecting gardening equipment and bicycles. Also, you can go for larger and wood-framed metal sheds for commercial purposes or warehousing.

rural sheds

There’re a variety of ways so can be used for adding additional space to the property. It probably won’t look like a good solution in the beginning, but you’ll find out how advantageous it is once it’s installed. We will have a look at a few popular uses of rural sheds.

Why Rural Sheds is a Wonderful Addition for Outdoor Space?


An important benefit of rural outdoor sheds is their capacity for storage and capability of keeping all the things organized. A rural shed’s free space is advantageous during the summer season when most people spend time outdoors in their gardens, backyards and farm.

There’s no place better than a shed to store their tools for these activities. No matter if it is bikes, roller blades, golf clubs, surfboards or anything else, everything can be sheltered under a rural shed.

Forget about its pricing, you will even be able to store housewares and gardening equipment, furniture, landscaping supplies and more. This will help you save on the maintenance cost of these tools. Rural sheds also offer sufficient space to store the items that don’t want to throw away.

These are also very accessible. So, you don’t need to crawl through the garage or attic to find what you want. In order to get an idea of how different rural sheds look, visit our Pinterest profile.

Recreational Space

Outdoor rural sheds do not need to be served as storage space only. It can also serve other purposes like a recreational area, which is similar to an outdoor living space. Most people are interested to convert their storage shed into an outdoor space where they can enjoy different activities, like picnics, barbecues and more.

Simple attics or garages can’t serve the same purpose as they still look like attics or garages. Your rural shed is also customizable. You can modify it according to your style, purpose and taste. Visit our Instagram page, to see some of our rural sheds customized for our clients.

To Conclude

Hence, you can create a beautiful atmosphere in your backyard with a rural shed. But, when installing them, make sure you contact a reputed company to ensure a great service.

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You probably know that Australians need to follow a guideline regarding shed building to avoid further legal complications. However, as…

2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

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  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When…

Want to Invest in Shed Building? 5 Things to Consider for Cyclonic Regions!

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  • 02 May 2022

There is no denying that farm sheds can keep your tools and equipment protected from natural elements. They will allow you to keep your farm supplies organized. But complexity arises when it comes to buying sheds for cyclone-prone areas. Remember, not all sheds can withstand cyclonic conditions. Hence, apart from associating with a reliable company regarding shed supply and build, you need to count on a few crucial facts. And these are what you will come across in this blog. So, keep reading!

Consider These Things before Investing in Shed Supply and Build

Wind Region

Is your farm located in a cyclonic region? According to Australian Standards, these regions can be categorized as wind region A, wind region B, wind region C (cyclonic), and wind region D (cyclonic). Therefore, if you are on the border of any of these cyclonic regions, don’t forget to provide us with your postcode. We will recommend the sheds that are suitable for your region.


Farm sheds usually come with steel or wood. But if you are concerned about the durability, nothing would be an ideal option other than choosing the first option. Steel is quite sturdy and durable. It will last for prolonged years. Therefore, if you want to get the best return on your investment, stick to steel sheds.

Wind Rating

Wind rating can be calculated depending on several factors, such as climate, topography, shielding, terrain, etc. It can help you decide how high the wind can be. And that is what will help you assess your farm shed. Hence, before investing in a shed, ensure it’s rated high enough in your area. It’s best to visit Pinterest to have a look at sheds.

Whether the Foundation Is Strong or Not?

Before investing in your farm shed, make sure you consider the foundation. A solid foundation will make a farm shed last longer. For example, concrete slabs can be the right choice for installing sheds. And check whether the area is low-lying or not.


Last but not least, the cost is one of the most vital factors for buying farm sheds. A reliable shed builder will never charge extra. But if you are on a tight budget, it’s best to get quotes from multiple companies. Compare their charges and choose an affordable one.

So, what’s holding you back? If you are looking for durable farm sheds for a cyclone-prone area, contact us! Aside from agriculture sheds, we specialize in a range of steel shades. Go through our other blogs to know more in this regard.

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You probably know that Australians need to follow a guideline regarding shed building to avoid further legal complications. However, as…

2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

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  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When…


FAQs Answered by Shed Builders on Storage Sheds!

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  • 04 Nov 2021

So, you have decided to get a shed on your premises. That’s great! But admit it or not: you have too many queries peeping up into your mind. Isn’t it? In fact, you are not the only one! Our shed builders in Murwillumbah find most farm owners here quite overwhelmed before getting the services. In today’s blog, we have answered some of those common questions from our previous clients!

Common doubts on storage shed cleared by shed builders

Our answers may meet your queries and make things easier for you. Have a look:

“Should I need to consider the climate?”

This one is the most common question from the farm owners in Murwillumbah. But you need not worry about our shedding materials! Those are designed to face the harsh climate conditions in QLD and NSW. But yes, we have to consider the weather conditions like winds and cyclones on the day of the shed installation.

“Do you offer quotes?”

Yes, at Rural Shed Builders, we do! And our estimation quote includes the overall expenses of site-specific engineering and the detailed info on the structural components for the shed with the payment schedule.

“Can I get the exact design I need?”

Yes, our shed builders have the specialisation to offer customised solutions in shed designs and construction. Whether it’s the length or the width, window, and door locations with height- you can get the exact shed layout you require!

“Do I need permits to get shed o my property?”

Well, it depends on the building rules and regulations of the area you live in Murwillumbah. You can get help from the local shire, or our builders can discuss the permits.

We hope you have got our answers quite helpful about storage shed supply and building. Now, if you have more queries, feel free to ask! Also, to learn more about our services, keep on reading previous blogs!

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What Features Make the Hay Sheds By Far an Ideal Option for You?

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You probably know that Australians need to follow a guideline regarding shed building to avoid further legal complications. However, as…

2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

  • admin
  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When…

open bay sheds

Open Bay Shed Builders Consider It Best for Your Farm: WHY!

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  • 14 Aug 2021

No matter whatever you are doing, it doesn’t over until got the best results. That’s why there’s the old saying, “A farmer needs to keep going until the job’s done!” But according to our open bay shed builders, you won’t ever be to an end of the task when you don’t have storage space for your farm equipment, crops, and calf shelter.

After all, no one can leave them outside somehow! We suggest having open bay sheds that work as the 3-in-1 solution and beyond! It means that you can make the best and versatile use of it. In our today’s blog, you may discover it HOW!

Tips from open bay shed builders to utilize the space

As we mentioned, it’s a 3-in-1 and beyond solution for the farmers for their farm. Yet, you may have got the reason why we suggest having an open bay shedding at your place.

Still, if you have doubts, our following tips may help you know WHY and HOW open bay sheds are worth investing in. Have a look:

Farm equipment and machinery

Do we need to mention that your tools require a proper shelter to stay in working order and pristine condition? We, Rural Shed Builders, suggest sliding doors or back doors to make your access easy and quick! You need not experience challenges in that!


Open bay configuration for your crops!

Actually, not only crops, but you can make the best use of the space for keeping hay. The open bay shedding helps:

  • To protect the crops and hey from the harsh climate and keep it in good condition as much as possible!
  • An open bay shed is a great alternative to maintain the quality of the hay and crops even if the moisture level is high outside.
  • You can have easy access to open bay sheds to bring the hay out and test the moisture if needed. Also, while moving large amounts of crops, it’s a smart solution!

Shelter for calves!

It’s the most common use of open bay sheds that you can found in rural areas. You can keep your calves dry while providing food easily under the sheds. Also, the animals can have good ventilation!

Have you got this? Now, it’s up to you, whether open bay sheds are perfect for your farm! If yes, contact us, and our team of builders will be at your place in no time. Stay in touch!

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What Features Make the Hay Sheds By Far an Ideal Option for You?

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You probably know that Australians need to follow a guideline regarding shed building to avoid further legal complications. However, as…

2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

  • admin
  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When…

Farm Equipment Shed Builders

Farm Equipment Shed Builders Consider Farm Shed Profitable! Is It So?

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  • 02 Aug 2021

Honestly, people think too much before spending any longer-term investment. In fact, that’s one of the Must-dos! And they do the same when it comes to building shed to keep their farm equipment. Our Farm Equipment Shed Builders suggest this idea for your one-stop solution all over the year.

After all, you can’t deny that it’s nearly impossible to keep these tools in pristine condition without having a proper storage facility. Still, some farm owners can’t find this idea much profitable and advantageous!
Are you one of them? Then, read our today’s blog! It may help you clear your misconceptions!

Farm Equipment Shed Builders reveal shedding is worth spending

Needless to say, you can’t run your farm even a day without that equipment and tools. But leaving those outside the home can make you end up with long repair and maintenance bills. But with farm equipment sheds, you can not obtain only storage and shelter for the tools but beyond that! Here’s HOW:

Storage and shelter for farm equipment

With the advances of technology, the tools have simplified your tasks at the farm. From the tractors to harvesters- maintaining this equipment can be a huge challenge if you have no storage options!
Of course, your home may not have enough room to store such big farm tools when not in use! Having a farm shed for equipment not only accommodates space but provides shelter as well.
Leaving the tools outside in harsh weather conditions for a long time can cause rust and corrosion. On the other hand, you can keep those safe from being theft and misplaced!

Even the best place to store your farm production!

Though the term says, ‘Farm equipment shed,’ you can use the space to store your farm produce with perishable foodstuff. Hence, you need not hot your pocket once more to build a warehouse. Contrarily, you can save dollars because you need not move the crops from a different location to your home.

Time-saving and affordable

Most farm owners avoid getting services from us for farm equipment sheds to save dollars. Actually, you have to pay more to repair and purchase the farm tools if they get damaged because of leaving outside. Have you ever realized that?
Our farm equipment sheds are reasonably priced while we charge affordable for installation too. The steel sheds are durable and cost-effective that require minimal maintenance costs. Also, expert hands take less time than DIY shed-building tricks!

Saving home from getting cluttered and messy!

Keeping the farm produce and used equipment can make your home look not only congested but dirty. You may prefer having a welcoming home for your guests always, indeed! And farm equipment shed allows you that space so that you can keep your home neat and clean!

Was it helpful? Now, you may have no more confusion regarding farm equipment shed installation. At Rural Shed Builders, you can get customize options for farm sheds (Diamond Tough Sheds, Stratco Sheds, Aircraft Hangar Sheds, and Widespan Sheds) according to your needs and budget.

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What Features Make the Hay Sheds By Far an Ideal Option for You?

  • admin
  • 15 Jul 2022

You probably know that Australians need to follow a guideline regarding shed building to avoid further legal complications. However, as…

2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

  • admin
  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When…

Professional Shed Builders

Professional Shed Builders Vs. DIY: What’s a Better Choice?

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  • 05 Jun 2021


So, you require a shed for your farm machinery, crops, and equipment. Shading on your backyard is, no doubt, a great idea to save thousands of bucks! But would you go for DIY or get help from a professional installer? We, Rural Shed Builders, will suggest you picking the latter one if you are looking for a better choice.

Still, some homeowners prefer considering DIY after observing different improvement shows on television or YouTube. And they come to the point that building a shed is just as easy as breaking a nut! But the fact is that it’s just the REVERSE!

In today’s blog, we can help you decide on the right foot to find the better choice for shade building.

Find your better option between DIY and professional shed builders

Anyway, the controversies are at the same point when it comes to shedding. Yes, it seems and sounds easy while watching the process in a show or movie. However, in reality, you will have to lend a hand. Such as:

Can you keep the patience on your part?

Well, it’s the thumb of the rule while performing a professional service on your own without having any experience and organization skills. On the other hand, you cannot afford enough time to put it here while managing your high-paced life. And shedding installation is not a rush job to undertake.

Hence, it’s clear that considering a professional is beneficial when skill and time are essential to complete your task efficiently. Or else, you may have to redo the entire project because of your lack of ability.

Do you have the right equipment?

Yes, you have the tools to complete your farm jobs, but that is not for shedding. Some certain tools are MUST while having a plan to shed your yard to access an additional space. The pieces of equipment are undoubtedly expensive than our services.

Moreover, you may not be going to use those tools again. Hence, it’s a waste of money as well. Our shed builders come with the right equipment to do your project with perfection.

Who will be your helping hand?

It’s a million-dollar question! You may hear the old sayings before, “More hands will make the work lighter.” The same goes for the shedding project. Setting up the entire shed in the yard is no less than a challenge.

Hence, once you get started, it’s obvious that you will wish for lending hands from your friends or neighbor. So, while asking for help, why not from our professionals! It’s smart to leave such things for the experts and give your effort on the work you have experience.

Then, what have you decided? Do you want to get expert help or try a DIY? If you are going for the former one, contact us! Our builder will be at your place to ensure that your job gets done perfectly. On the contrary, you can ask us to supply you with shedding materials and go for a DIY if finding it convenient.

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You probably know that Australians need to follow a guideline regarding shed building to avoid further legal complications. However, as…

2 Most Popular Uses of Rural Sheds That Can Benefit You!

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  • 01 Jul 2022

Rural sheds are a structure with single-story roofs placed in gardens, backyards, farms, or other open areas for various purposes. When…